Stores & Post Office

Donna and India are joined by Ann and Monique to celebrate VE Day
Andy and Donna behind the counter

Cattistock Stores

The Cattistock Stores and Post Office is a family owned store run by Andy Hodder and his wife Donna, who have owned the store from May 2013. Andy and Donna also own the store at Maiden Newton and since becoming owners of the two village stores extensive work has been carried out to improve the appearance and character of the buildings. The fully refurbished Cattistock Stores and Post Office is now light and airy and plays host to a delightful Tea Room.

‘We always do our best to stock local produce. Our local Dorset suppliers provide us with the finest locally sourced produce, from a wide range of cheeses to quality meats. Our aim is to make our customers happy and keep the shelves well stocked with plenty of monthly offers and is a very friendly place to shop.

As always, thank you to the amazing group of volunteers who are keeping the Shop open from 8.30 to 1.00pm each day and thank you also to all those involved in the background.

The Post Office is open 9am to 12pm, Monday to Saturday. Maiden Newton Post Office will be open from 9am to 1pm Monday to Saturday. (Maiden Newton Shop is now open until 8am – 7pm each day (9am – 6pm Sundays)

Join us on Facebook to keep up to date with inside shop news, local events, new stock and future developments.

We fully encourage customers to shop at smaller independent stores so comments and requests from customers are always welcome.

So pop into the store or email us or call Andy and Donna on 01300 320250.

'Christmas at Cattistock Stores' and a winter Daffodil for Christmas is enough to make Bill and Donna smile
Aurélie and Alexander meet a young Guide Dog
Stocking up with Baboo icecream for Christmas
The view from the entrance to the shop and a wide range of products
In the Post Office section are more items for the home and the office
A spacious shop, with plenty of help when needed
The Store c1906
The Stores' neighbour, Bun House c1906
Outside the Stores & Post Office
Linda agonising over what bread to buy