The Church of St Peter and St Paul



Approaching the village of Cattistock, one cannot miss the tower of the church of St Peter and St Paul.  At 140ft high it is the tallest church tower in Dorset. A masterpiece among Dorset Churches in the opinion of Pevsner, the church is Grade 1 listed with an interior in the Gothic Revivalist style by Sir George Gilbert Scott and his son George Gilbert Scott junior. Their version of the church supplanted an eighteenth century building, which in turn had grown on the site of earlier churches, reaching back to pre-Norman times – small stone remnants of which have been incorporated into the fabric of the present building.  This wonderful church sits on a knoll among its undisturbed gravestones, encircled by swifts and its churchyard filled in spring with an abundance of wildflowers. It is truly worth visiting. For additional information, in the first instance please contact Sean Lavan on 07984 649780



The William Morris window
The Church is open every day
The Jesse window

 St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church of England is part of the worldwide Anglican church and welcomes people of all beliefs and none. The Church is open every day to visit for quiet contemplation – or just be inspired by its interior. We have at least 2 services each month (10am if a morning service or 6pm if an evening one) – please see the centre pages of The Chimes.  The services are generally led by a member of the Melbury team; occasionally by ministers of other traditions within the Church; or Lay persons. The congregation is always very friendly and welcoming; indeed, we invite all to stay on for coffee and biscuits after each morning Service. The Church is also available for special services, such as christenings, baptisms and weddings. Indeed, it is a wonderful wedding venue, due to its size and magnificence. Please note, you do need some connection to the Cattistock Parish. To enquire about booking the church, please visit the Melbury Team website, and click here for the relevant C of E regulations.


St Peter and St Paul’s Church is run by the Parochial Church Council (PCC).   The PCC is an executive committee of a Church of England Parish and consists of clergy, churchwardens, and representatives of the laity. It is responsible for the financial affairs of Clergy, the Church and its assets, as well as promoting the mission of the church.     

The PCC is made up as follows: Clergy – Team Rector is Rev Tim Greenslade who lives in Maiden Newton, and our vicar is Rev Linda Wilcock. Churchwardens are Charlie Bladon, Cathy Evans and Sue Orr. Secretary is Merrily Harpur. Treasurer is Col. Christopher Mackenzie-Beevor. Members are Mary Duff, Christine and Ian Anderson, Sean Lavan, Christine Edmunds.  Contact details are in the Chimes, or via the Secretary, Merrily Harpur or telephone 01300 320064.

The PCC meets about 6 times a year. We hold an Annual Parish meeting to which all parishioners are warmly invited, to have a say in key issues facing the Church as well as elect people to formal posts. You do not have to be a regular Church attendee to have a say!  

Friends of Cattistock Church


The Friends of Cattistock Church is a registered charity with the aim to preserve and protect the fabric, fixtures and fittings, and churchyard of Cattistock Church as a place of worship and as a building of historical and architectural interest. It was created many years ago but has not been active in recent years. There is a group who are now reviving it with the hope of raising the profile of our unique Grade 1 listed Church and ensuring it remains a key element of our village. Please email Cathy Evans or phone 07471 193229 for further information.


In the Winter
In the Spring
Oxeye daisies in the churchyard