
Bell Ringing

Bell ringing at St Peter and St Paul’s Church in Cattistock has been in place for well over a hundred years. The tower contains a fine ring of 8 bells, made by the Whitechapel foundry in 1950. These replace earlier Dutch bells which formed a carillon of 37 bells which was unfortunately destroyed by fire in 1940.

Our current team of bell ringers meet on the first Friday of each month in the Church at 7.30pm. Our bell-ringers continue to be very proud of their long musical tradition.  We regularly support Church services, weddings and funerals, as well as special occasions such as marking current national and local events, anniversaries of historic events, and notable annual days, including church festivals. 

We are a very enthusiastic and friendly group of men and women, frequently welcoming guest Bell Ringers from other churches in the area. We can teach new ringers and welcome any new members, whether they have any experience or not.

 Learning to ring takes an element of skill, and practice – it’s not something that can be learned in a few minutes, but the commitment required is very rewarding and once you can handle a bell competently you will be welcome in church towers up and down the country.  Why not contact me and come along and have a go, we would love to see you.

 Email: Gareth Evans, or telephone 01308 867530.

The current bells were made by Mears and Stainbank and installed in 1950