Fitness Support

Over a stile and Bev, Sally, Penny, Frank, Barbara and Peter enjoy a day in the sun
Barbara explaining Walking for Health to two interested visitors

Health Walks in West Dorset

The aim of the Ammonite Health Walking Group is to help local residents enjoy a more active lifestyle with a social 10 to 90 minute walk followed by a chat over refreshments at a local café afterwards (if available).   Our specially trained volunteers lead the walks and are on hand to provide support and encouragement.   Walks from Maiden Newton/Cattistock are currently meeting every Tuesday at 11.00am at Pound Piece Surgery or Cattistock Stores – see link to calendar below.   Walks from Beaminster leave at 11.30am from Tunnel Road Surgery (every third Wednesday of the month from Beaminster Museum).

The NHS says of healthy walking: ‘Walking is underrated as a form of exercise, walking is ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels who want to be more active. Regular walking has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, stroke and some cancers’.

We hope that more and more people in West Dorset will come to enjoy the health benefits of regular walks as the scheme continues to develop and we look forward to meeting any local residents who would like to join in.

Please contact Barbara Evans, or telephone either of the following: 07810 153012 / 01300 320875.

To visit the Dorset Health Walks website, here.

To check dates and times on the walks calendar click here.

Strength and Balance Classes for the Mature Mover 

Do you feel that your level of movement has declined, and your mobility isn’t what it used to be?

During the class I guide you through a series of gentle, fun, easy to follow moves that can be executed in the chair or standing.  With practice, these moves will leave you feeling stronger, better balanced and more confident to go about your daily tasks.

My name is Sally Cunningham and if you would like to take that first step and boost your confidence through movement, I would be delighted to hear from you on: 01300 341092 or by email:   Cost per class £6.

Otago Exercise Programme Leader, Older Adult specialist.  Over 10 years of experience.